Jean Blair DolanJean Blair Dolan is a treasure and an inspiration to her friends, family, and everyone who sees her. Learning the pleasures of outdoor activities through her father, Jean has shared her love of nature with countless men and women. She continues to enoy life and make friends wherever she goes. Born in Massachusetts on November 12, 1915, ten year old Jean Blair became a Girl Scout soon after the organization was founded in 1912. Jean is a Life Scout and became a devoted, active supporter of the program as a girl, parent and leader. Some fifty years later, she still maintains active contact with members of a group of then young boys and girls who "scouted" together camping, hiking, canoeing, and square-dancing in their teens. They call themselves the Ancient Scouts of North Atlanta. Jean met her husband, Don Dolan, when he was leading a rock climbing group. Together they spent decades camping, sailing, climbing, hiking, canoeing, skiing, and enjoying the great outdoors together with their children Peter, Liz, David and Anne. Jean continues to sponsor conservation efforts such as the Tennessee River Gorge Trust, the National Park Service, and other worthwhile causes. An accomplished watercolor artist and supporter of the arts and symphony in Chattanooga, she is an active member of St. Timothy's Episcopal Church and lives in Signal Mountain, Tennessee. Read More Read Less