Jaycee Donovan

Jaycee DonovanJaycee Donovan is a teacher from California, a mother of four children, and an author of two successful books. Her first book, YES! YOU WILL UNDERSTAND YOUR TEEN WITH ADHD: A PARENT'S JOURNEY TO FIND, LEARN, AND DEVELOP EFFECTIVE ADHD TOOLS TO HELP HR TEEN COMMUNICATE AND THRIVE, is a heartfelt, self-help book detailing her journey getting treatment for her daughter who was diagnosed with late-onset ADHD at 13 years of age. Ms. Donovan has experience teaching to all ages and worked in the classroom specifically with students diagnosed with ADHD. She strongly believes that there are several support systems available for teens that are struggling due to ADHD and believes that no parent or teen should feel alone in their efforts to live a life without undue stress and anxiety.Ms. Donovan's second book is HELLO MISS LAVENDER: A STORY ABOUT A CHILD LIVING WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES WHO DISCOVERS THAT WE ARE ALL UNIQUE. Similar to the main character in "Hello Miss Lavender", Ms. Donovan was diagnosed as a child with Type 1 Diabetes. This author knows how having a childhood illness can be scary and confusing to young children and hopes to provide a source of calm and understanding through an uplifting children's book. Ms. Donovan believes in the importance of children's literacy and the power of reading. Read More Read Less

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Yes! You WILL Understand Your Teen With ADHD23 % NR
Publisher: Jcprize Publishing
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03 Oct 2023
International Edition
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Hello Miss Lavender19 % NR
Publisher: Jennifer Pagano
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03 Aug 2023
International Edition
Ships within 14-16 Days Explain..
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