Jawaher Almulla

Jawaher AlmullaJawaher Almulla was never one to talk much let alone talkabout herself. She is simply a person that has gone throughthings that made her write her feelings down, transport allthese emotions to paper and share them with people who willrelate to them.Witing was always an escape to her; never a necessity or ahobby. Just like travel is an escape to her where she takesherself out of whatever reality she's in and goes to thatdreamlike state of high adrenalin and increased serotonin. Shehas travelled to over 30 countries and hopes that she cancontinue to discover new cultures and experience moreadventures.Jawaher has a very keen mind to learn and discover futureinnovations and to keep growing in her career. The sameapplies to her personal life; she likes to keep herself busy andactive, juggling between kids, career, and personalpredicaments. Read More Read Less

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