Javon Rahman Bertrand

Javon Rahman BertrandWhere many see lifelessness, lack and limits, he sees great purpose. Understanding firsthand that many, if not all, battles start and end in the mind, Apostle Javon Rahman Bertrand seeks to set the captives free who are mentally incarcerated. As a thught leader, Amazon bestselling author and intercessor, Bertrand has committed the past twelve years of his life to teaching and preaching the Word of God across the nation to the broken, the wounded and the hopeless. Serving as a beacon of light in the many dark places he encounters, he toils diligently to challenge the status quo of limitations many set upon themselves-positioning them to tap into limitless possibilities. Known affectionately to many as Apostle J. or Dr. Love, his sound, passionate teaching has opened the spiritual eyes and ears of hundreds. Through his ministerial efforts and books, he educates and encourages, while boldly challenging the thought patterns of many that don't line up with the Word of God. As a mentor and coach, he ushers men and women into defining their God-given purpose and voice in the Kingdom of God-leading them into destiny fulfillment and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. Full of wisdom beyond his years, his mission is simple: to help others become the better version of themselves, and find peace and joy in life long-term. Over a short time period, Bertrand has birthed several ministries that serve to edify the Body of Christ. These include: JRB Ministries International, Embassy Fellowship of Churches, Restoration of Love Deliverance Center, Watchmen International School of the Prophets, and The Watchmen Network. His three books, The Watchman, The Exposition of the Tabernacle and The Biography of Prophets have served as spiritual resources for many who desire deeper clarity and revelation on the Word of God. His new release, The Gatekeeper's Manual: Guarding of the Gates of our Person, is scheduled for release in early 2018. In addition to his books topping the Amazon 100 charts for months in a row, he's also had the esteemed honor to be a featured guest on WHPR TV 33 as well as Preach the Word Worldwide Network. Through his authenticity, prophetic flow and unadulterated deliverance ministry, it's clear to see that he's not only called, but also chosen for such a time as this. For booking or interviews, visit www.JRBMinistries.org or email apostlej@jrbministries.org. Read More Read Less

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