Javier Mancilla

Javier MancillaJavier Mancilla is a Senior Data Scientist, and a Quantum Business and Programming Consultant. He is a Ph.D. candidate and Master in Data Management and Innovation. He has more than 15 years of experience in digital transformation projects, withand i the last 8 years mostly dedicated to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and quantum computing, with more than 35 projects executed around these technologies. He has more than 8 certifications in quantum computing matters from institutions like MIT xPro, KAIST, IBM, Saint Petersburg University, and BIMTECH. He also was selected as one of the Top 20 Quantum Computing Linkedin Voices by Barcelonaqbit (quantum organization in Spain). Currently, he has the role of quantum machine learning advisor for different companies and organizations in Europe and Latin America and is also an I + D + i (Investigation, Development, and Innovation) evaluator for different governments in LATAM such as Chile and Paraguay Read More Read Less

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Financial Modeling Using Quantum Computing2 % NR
Publisher: Packt Publishing
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31 May 2023
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