Jason Zigmont

Jason ZigmontJason J. Zigmont PhD, Paramedic, is a learning innovator and founder of Learning in Healthcare. He has previously worked as the System Director of Learning Innovation for OhioHealth. In this role he provides leadership for an integrated clinical learing infrastructure that includes Simulation, Learning Consulting, Learning Management System and Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Nursing Continuing Education (CE). Jason served on the Society for Simulation in Healthcare's Education committee and headed the sub-committee on preparation for the Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator. He holds a PhD in Adult Learning specifically focused on Experiential Learning. He is a paramedic and EMS instructor who has served in both paid and volunteer EMS and fire departments for over 15 years. He founded VolunteerFD.org, and was a regular columnist for JEMS. Jason's mission in life is to improve healthcare through learning. His research focuses on creating learning initiatives that have demonstrated outcomes in clinical quality, customer service, work life and finance. Read More Read Less

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