Jason George****Jason George has been teaching History at the Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore, Maryland, since 1999 and has been teaching an AP United States History Seminar since 2003. He was an instructor and teaching assistant at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio between 1993 and 1999. Jason received his Ph.D. from Ohio University in 2003 with a dissertation titled, The View from Afar: Russian Perceptions of the United States, 1776-2002. He has served as United States History Content Advisor for the College Board's AP Central Program since 2003 and has been a reviewer for AP Central since 2002. He has participated in the AP U.S. History Reading since 2004. He also contributed teaching exercises on the 1960s Cultural Revolution to Columbia University's American History Online program and had his course syllabus published in the 2005-2006 College Board Teachers' Guide. ****Jerald Brown received his Ph.D. in American History from the University of New Hampshire, and presently teaches United States History and Economics at the Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore, Maryland. He is the author of The Years of the Life of Samuel Lane (New Hampshire Historical Society). He first taught AP United States History in 1985 and has taught the college survey course at several colleges and universities. He has been a reader for the College Board in United States History since 1999. Read More Read Less
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