Jason A MercheyJason founded Values of the Wise(TM) in 2004. He finds ancient and contemporary quotations and proverbs about values, ethics, and personal growth to be amazingly interesting. With the help of those quotes, he has written five hundred blogs and recordd podcasts with two hundred philosophers, economists, psychologists, spiritual thinkers, and authors. Jason's three prior books were entitled Living a Life of Value, Building a Life of Value, and Values and Ethics: From Livingroom to Board Room. Jason is proud of the praise, endorsements, and reviews these beautiful books garnered. He also put out three compilations of quotations on values with titles such as Humanity's Highest Aspirations (2003). Jason is gives his prior books away for free. He lives in Hendersonville, NC with his wife and dog. The website is www.ValuesoftheWise.com Read More Read Less
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