Janusz Grebowicz

Janusz GrebowiczDr. Grebowicz is a Professor of Chemistry and Physics at the University of Houston-Downtown and a 2014/15 Fulbright Scholar at AGH UST. His areas of expertise are thermal analysis, polymer physical chemistry, phase structure and phase transitions in aterials, such as low molecular weight chemicals, polymers and geological materials. He has several significant contributions to science including: design of first ever schematic of all phases and mesophases (with his recognition of new mesophase: conformationally disordered crystals - Condis Crystals), recognition of Rigid Amorphous phase and first ever demonstration of capillary breakup of liquid threads in molten polymer systems - polymer blends (high viscosity). He has authored over 70 papers in these areas.
A native of Poland, he received his MS degree in physics from the University of Lódz. His MS project was on polymer physics: development of experimental methods of characterization morphology of semi-crystalline polymers. Soon after, he was appointed a researcher at the Center of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences. There he received his PhD in research on polymer blends followed by a series of post-doctoral studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Max Planck Institute (Mainz, Germany), and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He became a world-class specialist in thermal analysis, as recognized by his colleagues in the field. For over a decade he worked for Shell Oil, Westhollow Technology Center in Houston, as the head of the Thermal Analysis laboratory (global reach).
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Conformational Motion and Disorder in Low and High Molecular Mass Crystals37 %
Publisher: Springer
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03 Oct 2013
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