Janet Lea

Janet LeaJanet Lea has sold hula hoops, organized armadillo races, and been suspected of being a CIA spy. She's lived in a VW van with a beagle puppy, dodged military checkpoints in Tibet, and camped out on the Great Wall of China. There's a rumor that Misadvnture is her middle name, but it's actually Marie. A native Texan and a fan of big, as an ex-advertising executive she once brought the world's largest seat belt to stretch around the Alamo, and her inspirational stories for public service causes were featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show...twice. Having done her bit to make the world a better place, Janet now writes full time. The Gentleman Jack Effect: Breaking Rules and Living Out Loud is her first book. She and her wife live in Santa Fe, New Mexico near a dry stream bed inhabited by a coyote they call Sneak. Read More Read Less

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The Gentleman Jack Effect24 % NR
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22 Sep 2021
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Teach Yourself Personal Finance in 24 Hours28 % NR
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22 Feb 2002
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