Jane S Webster

Jane S WebsterJane S. Webster earned an Honors Bachelor of Theology from McGill University and an MA and PhD in Religious Studies (New Testament and Early Judaism) from McMaster University in Southern Ontario. She received a prestigious doctoral fellowship from th Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Joining the faculty at Barton College in 2000, she teaches Religious Studies in the School of the Humanities; since 2014, she has served as the Director for the Center of Excellence in Teaching and Learning. In 2010, she received the Jefferson-Pilot Faculty Member of the Year award. She is an active member of the Society of Biblical Literature, the American Academy of Religion, and the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies, and has served leadership positions in the SBL Committee for the Status of Women in the Profession and in the Teaching Biblical Studies in the Undergraduate Liberal Arts Context program unit. In addition to her book, Ingesting Jesus: Eating and Drinking on the Gospel of John, she contributed to Understanding Bible by Design: Create Courses with Purpose and co-edited two volumes: Teaching the Bible in the Liberal Arts Classroom and Lady Parts. She has written multiple articles, conference presentations, and book reviews addressing topics in Johannine Studies, wisdom literature, gender, Bible and film, and teaching in Religious Studies. Prior to her academic career, Webster was a critical care nurse and missionary in South America.

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