Jane Eaton Hamilton

Jane Eaton HamiltonJane Eaton Hamilton is the author of seven books of fiction and poetry. Her book JULY NIGHTS was shortlisted for the BC Book Prizes and her book HUNGER was shortlisted for the Ferro-Grumley Award. BODY RAIN, her first book of poetry, was shortlisted or the Pat Lowther Award, and her chapbook, GOING SANTA FE, won the League of Canadian Poets Poetry Chapbook Award. A pseudonymous memoir was on the GUARDIAN'S Best of the Year list and was a SUNDAY TIMES bestseller. She has been included in the JOURNEY PRIZE ANTHOLOGY and BEST CANADIAN SHORT STORIES, and has been cited in BEST AMERICAN SHORT STORIES. She has won many prizes for her short fiction, including, twice, the Prism International short fiction contest, and first prize in the CBC Literary Awards. She has been published in the NEW YORK TIMES, SEVENTEEN magazine, SALON, NUMERO CINQ, MACLEANS, the GLOBE AND MAIL, the MISSOURI REVIEW, the ALASKA QUARTERLY REVIEW and many other places. She has been a recipient of arts awards from the BC Arts Council and the Canada Council. Jane is also a photographer and visual artist and was a litigant in Canada's same-sex marriage case. She lives in Vancouver. Read More Read Less

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Love Will Burst Into a Thousand Shapes26 % NR
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29 Sep 2014
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Weekend33 % NR
Publisher: Arsenal Pulp Press
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31 May 2016
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