Jana Rothwell

Jana RothwellJana is the illustrator of Singing Soul Books. She finds passion in using her endless imagination to teach and create art that captivates people of all ages. She strives to empower others to grow, to learn to love themselves unconditionally, to speaktheir truth and to follow their dreams. She enjoys exploring the beauty in nature and feels most at home near and in the water. Jana encompasses all the characteristics of a typical Pisces: she is creative, gentle, sensitive, kind, compassionate, intuitive, and wise. Infinite amounts of light and love radiate from her. She connects deeply with children and animals because of their innocence and pure hearts.She has the unique ability of seeing the best and the potential in everyone she meets. As a strong believer in the vastness and power of the Universe, Jana embraces the idea that we are all connected. She is a free spirit, continually learning and growing, always ready to share her creative ideas and stories, and never afraid to laugh at her own silliness.You can reach Jana here: janarothwelldesigns.comEmail: info@janarothwell.comInstagram: @janalee_111 and @marigold_creative_art Read More Read Less

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Safely Connected to Earth17 % NR
Publisher: Singing Soul Books
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04 Oct 2024
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Ethan and the Seven Chakras12 % NR
Publisher: Singing Soul Books
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18 Jun 2024
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