Jan Greenwood

Jan GreenwoodJan has three great passions in her life: The first is family. I believe we are here first to build the kingdom of God through our families. My family life centers around my love affair with my high school sweetheart and husband of 33 years, Mark. Toether we enjoy raising a family of four kids (Ashley - 25, John - 21, Luke - 18 and Matthew - 16) and two dogs (Katy and Bo). And we can't forget we recently added our first "grand-dogs" Stella and Piper. In addition, I am a daughter to my mom, Marilyn and a friend to many. I am also deeply invested in an extended family that springs forth from the local church. Secondly, I am passionate about creating healthy female relationships. I believe that God wants to bring revival to America and that He wants to begin with the women of the church. If we can learn to celebrate our gender, embrace our femininity and walk in unity, the church will arise again as a loving, influential and powerful source of hope for our nation. And finally, I am passionate about leading with grace. When I really touch grace as a leadership lifestyle, I sense the pleasure of God and the power of love in action. Others are more than sheep to be tended, they are the emerging leaders of our day who will very soon carry the torch of the gospel around the world. I'd like for my life to leave a mark on others that somehow empowers them to become all that God intended for them to be. Since 2007, I have been walking out these passions while being a part of the PINK Team at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, where I serve as a Pastor of Women. Read More Read Less

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Mujeres En Pie de Guerra / Women at War32 % NR
Publisher: Casa Creacion
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03 Mar 2015
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Women at War20 % NR
Publisher: Charisma House
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04 Aug 2015
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