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James S Hinshaw

James S HinshawJoe Hinshaw grew up in Indianapolis Indiana. Being born during the civil rights period of our nation and living through the turbulent 60s has put its mark on his thoughts and the way that he sees humanity. He was introduced slowly to his family histoy. His earliest memory of it goes back to a family reunion in his prepubescent years in a City Park in Lebanon Indiana. The memories of this event are very cloudy. The vision of a large hand drawn tree on a big piece of white cardboard is the clear surviving memory. He remembers tracing through its limbs until he could find his own name and see just what a large family it truly was. He remembers playing with family members who were mostly strange to him. Other than this one event he has vague memories of going to his great Grandparents house one time while they were alive but at such a young age that he could not know now if it was real. He remembers meeting a great Aunt in Hendricks County Indiana that was purported to be over 100 years at that time. She had a small home in the country outside of North Salem Indiana. She spent their time together watching professional wrestling and yelling Get Him for this entire visit. In his teens his father received a letter offering a coat of arms and a book on the family. His father ordered one and about one month later it was received. The Arms were cheap plastic but correct in its form. The book was not professional but had a supply of information in it. Out of boredom he picked it up and started to read it and follow the family tree once more. This began his interest and he decided then that he wanted to do this project writing a historical fiction series based on the real stories of the family genealogy. His own family had been such a disappointment to him that he knew there would be some redeeming value to this process. His parents had been good people. There were dark areas with his siblings and some of the family that he would know. Through this he found that the characters repeated themselves in each generation of his family. There were those that interacted from the fringes with the family that he would find in his own life from each generation. The stories are told with as much detail to history that research could find available to him. He would stay true to the stories themselves and choose his own path where multiple and differing possibilities would appear. The stories then have a fictional base to them to try to explain the possibilities of the events or reasons for some of these behaviors or migrations. Another element of the stories includes pure fiction. This fiction was added to make the stories cohesive and interesting. Even the fiction is based on possible scenarios that could be deduced or fabricated from the facts of the story or the history of the time it occurred. Either way, the reader should keep in mind that some of the stories are historically correct, some are from logical conclusions and some are pure fiction. Read More Read Less

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