James R Odrowski

James R OdrowskiMany years after my father's passing I began researching his World War II service. I knew of the places he was sent to, Australia, New Guinea, and the Philippine Island of Leyte. I also heard many stories of his experiences, some humorous, some frighening, and some disturbing. He exposed the full reality of the War to me. But only through my years of research was I able to connect the dots between his stories and their historical context. Armed with his Service Record and a web browser, I began doing Google searches, and gradually the dots starting coming together. Through the process I connected with the stories of other veterans that served with my Dad. I met a number of other children of the veterans who shared their father's recollections. Through this process I came away with a great appreciation for this group of veterans. I believe that their story needs to be told and that they should rightly take their place among the many heroes of World War II. James lives in Lenexa, Kansas with his wife. They enjoy traveling and fly fishing. Read More Read Less

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The Battle of Buffalo Wallow8 % NR
Publisher: Seven Cedars Press
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16 Oct 2020
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