James R Holloway

James R HollowayJAMES R. HOLLOWAY SR., Principal of Texas Financial and Retirement, LLC, has spent 25 years helping clients to create and grow wealth, protect and preserve their life savings, create a comfortable retirement income, and plan for the distribution of teir estate in the most tax efficient manner. James Sr. is a recognized leader in the industry and has received countless civic and professional awards. He is also an active member of the Better Business Bureau of East Texas as well as the Chamber of Commerce. James Holloway Jr. and Erin Holloway each contributed a chapter to Retire Ready. The couple has over 10 years of experience helping retirees to preserve their nest eggs and meet their financial goals for retirement. They have a successful practice with offices in East Texas and Ft. Worth, Texas. Read More Read Less

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Simulating the Earth19 % NR
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27 Oct 1988
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