James MoroneJames Morone is the John Hazen White Professor of Political Science, Public Policy and Urban Studies at Brown University, where he received multiple citations for excellence in teaching. His research has been featured in the New England Journal of Meicine, The Journal of Law and Medical Ethics, Journal of Health Policy and Law and many other publications as well as on National Public Radio's All Things Considered. A prolific author, Dr. Morone's 10 published books include HELLFIRE NATION: THE POLITICS OF SIN IN AMERICAN HISTORY, which was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize in nonfiction. The New York Times, Washington Post and several T.V. and radio shows have featured his essays and op-ed pieces on politics, history and morality. A Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer, Dr. Morone speaks frequently for organizations around the world, sits on the Board of Editors for several scholarly journals and has shared his expertise through congressional testimony and on special government panels. He earned his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Chicago. Read More Read Less
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