James Moclair

James MoclairJames has spent over fifty years studying and teaching martial arts. From the knowledge gained he wrote three martial books. Two are karate books and the third is a comprehensive guide into Ju-Jutsu. He then took a massive leap and followed his lifelng passion for science fiction. Putting pen to paper James wrote the science fiction novel S.P.A.C.E. Encouraged by the response S.P.A.C E received, James then wrote a follow-up novel T.I.M.E. Now over seventy years old, James's passion for science fiction still burns strong and he has now written a stunning new science fiction novel S.T.O.P. One can only describe James as a highly active person: he is a Parish Councillor, Chair of a Village Hall, Director of a housing community and he loves to travel, exercise, ride his bike, fish, play on his Xbox and VR unit and of course, watch science fiction programmes and movies. Read More Read Less

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