James Frayne

James FrayneJames Frayne has worked at the highest levels of corporate, political, and government communications. He was director of communications for a British government department between 2011 and 2012, having previously worked for some of the biggest brandsin the world in communications agencies in London and for a number of high-profile political campaigns. James began his career working for Business for Sterling, the successful campaign against British membership of the European single currency, and he managed the No campaign against the proposed North East Regional Assembly in the 2004 referendum, which won an upset landslide against the government-backed Yes Campaign. He also worked for the think tank Reform - helping launch the Doctors for Reform campaign to change the NHS - and has been campaign director of the TaxPayers' Alliance. In 2011 the Guardian described him as being one of the best Tory-leaning strategists. As a campaign spokesman and analyst, James has appeared widely in broadcast media, including BBC One's Breakfast News, the BBC News Channel, Sky News, Radio 4's Today Programme and PM Programme, BBC Radio 5 Live, and on numerous local BBC TV and radio stations and international TV stations. He has written for The Spectator, Daily Telegraph, City A.M., the BBC News website, The Business magazine, PR Week, CorpComms magazine, and various blogs, including Conservative Home. The editor of Conservative Home named James' blog - Campaign war room - Blog of the Year in 2010. Read More Read Less

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