James Copacino

James CopacinoJim Copacino is an award-winning advertising copywriter who is Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Copacino+Fujikado in Seattle, Washington. Jim and Larry Keen met as undergraduates at Ohio University in 1969. Their friendship soon blossomed int a songwriting partnership that has spanned five decades. As a lyricist, Jim has collaborated with Larry and Richard on dozens of songs spanning all genres--rock, folk, country and traditional ballads. "The Cat, The Fiddle and Me" was their first foray into children's music--though the song is intended for kids from age 3 to 93."It's A Rainforest" is the second addition to their collaboration into children's books. Read More Read Less

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It's A RainforestNR
Publisher: Colleen Taylor
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18 Nov 2022
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