James a Kizer

James a KizerHello, my name is James A Kizer. I was born and raised in Northwest Indiana. At the age of 11 my 5th grade teacher introduced the class to mechanical reasoning. She covered things like pulleys, levers and the inclined plane. Then, went on to show us xamples, like the ramp theories thought to have been used to build the Egyptian Pyramids. She also informed us that no one knew for sure, how they were built. My little 11-year mind studied and calculated heights and distances for a few minutes and I came to the conclusion: The ramp idea didn't make sense and perhaps someday, I will figure it out! So I went on with life. In high school, I usually tested above average in areas like mechanical thinking and spatial relations and before long was awarded an apprenticeship with the Boilermakers, based on testing well in these areas. I served my apprenticeship and went on working as a journeyman in the trade. Sometime around my 15th year of boiler making I remembered that day in school, when I was 11. After 15 years of heavy rigging, steel construction, working with others, planning and running work, I realized, I now had the tools to answer the illusive question: How were the Egyptian Pyramids built? From time to time, as a boss, I would get long periods of time to ponder this question. Simply, by combining my construction experience, research, running models by trial and error and adding in some prayer. The theory slowly emerged. It took nearly 12 years to develop. But, once I got on the right trail, questions started answering themselves. Every theory I've ever heard, usually takes me a short moment to poke hole, right through it. This theory holds water! Read More Read Less

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