Jamal Sleem Nuweihed

Jamal Sleem NuweihedJamal Sleem Nuweihed (1907-91) was born in Lebanon to a Lebanese doctor and a Turkish mother. She lived many decades in Palestine where she raised a family and spent all her free time quietly at home, either reading or writing her poetry and fiction.The author of three published novels and many poems, she was one of the most versatile creative people, enjoying writing a story as much as telling it. The folk tales are only a small part of the rich repertoire of tales she kept alive in her memory until her last days. Salma Khadra Jayyusi, the author's niece and translator of some of the stories, is a poet, critic, literary historian, and anthologist. She is the founder and director of PROTA, the Project for the Translation of Arabic Literature. Christopher Tingley was born in Brighton, England, and educated at the universities of London and Leeds. He has translated or co-translated many novels, poems, and short stories from the Arabic, among them Yusuf al-Qaid's novel War in the Land of Egypt and the poetry for the two-volume Trends and Movements in Modern Arabic Poetry. Read More Read Less

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