Jaime ReyesBorn in Puerto Rico and migrated to Philadelphia at 8 years of age. Vietnam War Veteran. After discharged opened my own business. Sold business and entered Law Enforcement - 5 years with Philadelphia Police Department and then 25 years as a Deputy Shriff. Retired as a sergeant. Wrote articles for local papers and online news services. Went to college in my 60's and earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in 2 years instead of the usual 4. As a voracious reader I have absorbed hundreds of books and used that accumulated knowledge/experience to take advantage of several programs to eliminate many elective college classes. Programs include CLEP (College Level Examination Program, PLA (prior Learning Assessment) and Experiential Essays. First published book was Historical Fiction: In the Beginning - The Early Days of Religious BeliefsSecond book effort is The Lazarus Syndrome non-fiction dealing with a little-known medical event where patients declared dead, revive minutes, hours, or days later, The book also covers NDEs - Near Death Experience and OBEs - Out of Body Experience. Read More Read Less
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