Jacob Cloete

Jacob CloeteJacob Cloete is a filmmaker, researcher and entrepreneur. Born and raised in a small town called Bitterfontein in South Africa, Jacob developed his love for writing and film. He bought his first camera while he was a South African Defence Force soldir in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and since then never looked back.He attended the University of the Western Cape (UWC), where he graduated with his PhD in Political Science. His work feeds into a growing global scholarship on the politics of belonging, reflected in South Africa's xenophobic response and Europe's anti-immigration and anti-refugee policies. His post-doctoral work focuses on the Khoekhoe, San and the problematic 'coloured' identity in South Africa. Read More Read Less

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Attempted Erasure of the Khoekhoe and San8 % NR
Publisher: African Sun Media
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22 Nov 2023
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