Jacob Benesty Jacob Benesty received a Master degree in microwaves from Pierre & Marie Curie University, France, in 1987, and a Ph.D. degree in control and signal processing from Orsay University, France, in April 1991. During his Ph.D. (from Nov. 1989 to Apr. 199), he worked on adaptive filters and fast algorithms at the Centre National d'Etudes des Telecomunications (CNET), Paris, France. From January 1994 to July 1995, he worked at Telecom Paris University on multichannel adaptive filters and acoustic echo cancellation. From October 1995 to May 2003, he was first a Consultant and then a Member of the Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, USA. In May 2003, he joined the University of Quebec, INRS-EMT, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, as a Professor. His research interests are in signal processing, acoustic signal processing, and multimedia communications. He is the inventor of many important technologies. In particular, he was the lead researcher at Bell Labs who conceived and designed the world-first real-time hands-free full-duplex stereophonic teleconferencing system. Also, he conceived and designed the world-first PC-based multi-party hands-free full-duplex stereo conferencing system over IP networks. He was the co-chair of the 1999 International Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control and the general co-chair of the 2009 IEEEWorkshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics. He is the recipient, with Morgan and Sondhi, of the IEEE Signal Processing Society 2001 Best Paper Award. He is the recipient, with Chen, Huang, and Doclo, of the IEEE Signal Processing Society 2008 Best Paper Award. He is also the co-author of a paper for which Huang received the IEEE Signal Processing Society 2002 Young Author Best Paper Award. In 2010, he received the "Gheorghe Cartianu Award" from the Romanian Academy. In 2011, he received the Best Paper Award from the IEEE WASPAA for a paper that he co-authored with Jingdong Chen. Read More Read Less