Jack Widman

Jack WidmanJack Widman's path to software engineering took a circuitous route. Majoring in Latin in college and studying Roman and Ancient Greek Literature, Philosophy and Music, he then became enamored of Mathematics. Learning, on his own, enough to get into gad school, Jack then completed a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT. While there, he learned about programming languages and writing code. With over 20 years of experience writing software, Jack provides consulting services to a wide range of software teams, especially with respect to converting codebases to a functional style of coding. He has both deep knowledge and a passion for the subject. Read More Read Less

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Funktionale Programmierung verstehen: Konzepte und Entwurfsmuster fur guten, wartbaren und eleganten CodeNR
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Learning Functional Programming37 % NR
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31 Aug 2022
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Learning Functional Programming: Managing Code Complexity By Thinking Functionally (Grayscale Indian Edition)
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