Jack Frederick Trope

Jack Frederick TropeJack F. Trope is a Senior Director in Indian Child Welfare Programs at Casey Family Programs where he works on national and local initiatives aimed at promoting compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act, increasing tribal access to the Title IV-E oster Care and Adoption Assistance Program and improving child welfare outcomes for children and families in state and tribal systems through training and systems improvement. Previously, Jack served as the Executive Director of the Association on American Indian Affairs (AAIA) for more than 13 years (and as Staff Attorney earlier in his career) where he worked on a variety of legal and policy matters, with a heavy emphasis on issues related to youth and the protection and preservation of Native American Indian tribal cultures, particularly the protection of sacred places and the repatriation of human remains and cultural items to Indian tribes. He has also served as Director of the Albuquerque-based Western Area Office for the Save the Children Federation, was a partner with the law firm of Sant'Angelo & Trope, an Assistant Counsel to two New Jersey governors, and clerked for a New Jersey Supreme Court Justice. He is a graduate of Rutgers College and Harvard Law School. Mr. Trope has worked on Indian child welfare matters since 1985 including litigation, amicus briefs in a number of cases including the two ICWA cases decided by the United States Supreme Court, training for tribal, state and local judges, attorneys, social workers and government leaders, and advocacy involving both the legislative and executive branches of government. He has authored articles on the ICWA for the Federal Lawyer magazine and the American Indian Law Journal, was a contributing author for A Practical Guide to the Indian Child Welfare Act published by the Native American Rights Fund, and has written a number of papers and pamphlets on Title IV-E as it pertains to Indian tribes. Read More Read Less

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