J Ronald Gentile

J Ronald GentileJ. Ronald Gentile is a graduate of Penn State University (B.S., 1963, and M.S., 1964, in Psychology; and Ph.D., in 1967, in Educational Psychology) and has been teaching educational psychology at the University at Buffalo, State University of New Yor, since 1969. Among his more than threescore publica-tions are the following continuing research interests: memory by fast versus slow learners; mastery learn- ing, standards, and grading policies; and expanding the instructional repertoire. For Dr. Gentile and his wife, Dr. Kay Johnson-Gentile ("The Genteels"), expanding the instructional repertoire has included teaching teachers how to integrate music into the elementary school curriculum. In 1998, Dr. Gentile was promoted to the rank of SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor. Read More Read Less

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