J Perry Haupt

J Perry HauptJ. Perry Haupt was born in Brookville, Pennsylvania, on November 27, 1934. He graduated from Brookville High School in May 1952, graduated from Robert Morris University as summa cum laude in May 1955 in Higher Accounting and Business Admin. Employmens: - Hanley Co., Bradford, Pennsylvania- Automotive Supply Co., Altoona, Pennsylvania Investing partner in the following businesses: - Developed a small chain of seven retail stores in Central Pennsylvania- Introduced Alaska land Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor Restaurant in Altoona, Pennsylvania - Began an office products store in Altoona, Pa- Served as treasurer and board member for the Bellwood-Antis School District, Bellwood, Pennsylvania- Served as treasurer and board member for the Bellwood-Antis Public Library, Bellwood, PennsylvaniaIn retirement: He became a missionary to the Russian-speaking people in Russia and Belarus. He is currently serving his twenty-second year. He is also assisting churches and orphans in Nepal, Pakistan, and India. He served the Bellwood-Antis Community in several different ways through the following: - Assisted in the development of The Hope Center in Bellwood, a charitable 501C3 organization to assist local residents through difficult times. Serve as treasurer.- Developed a published DVD and Book History of the Bellwood-Antis area for the B-A Public Library.- Celebrated eighty-one years of a healthy and productive life thru education, industry, community, and church life on November 27, 2015.- In my retirement I distribute Bibles, develop churches, work with Chernobyl families, and minister to the needs of orphans and orphan graduates. In general, it is about Christians and their churches. Read More Read Less

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