J Lei D

J Lei DWild: Limitless imagination. Inability to conform to conventions. Rejection of social norms and expectations. Willingness to explore the unknown. Writing has been a calming and creative escape from my character crimes. Judged harshly by my sensible ad serious side, I attempted to repress my wild ways to protect myself from me. I found my judge and jury to be quite cold and cruel to my delicate devil. Weakoning my wild side, I snuffed out my spark and silenced my soul. As a shell of superficiality, I seeked to make sense of why suppressing my shadow side limited love. I concluded the menace is not motivated by madness, but instead a mission to overcome the heat from raising hell. The attempt to protect myself from personal persecution was pointless. Choosing to utilise my wild side to write, revived what I'd needlessly tried to block and bury; me. The raw and real me, that I love limitlessly. Open and observant, I endeavoured to showcase self-love in the language of wild women. Misguided and misunderstood by many, wild women can be there own worst enemies. I know, becasue I am wild. Fighting a cluster fuck of failed fantasies and fakery freed me. To be wild is to be free. That is me. Mediation, specifically focusing on balancing the bodys energy centres (chakras) allowed me view myself and others as unique light beings eager to conciously pursue a specific purpose. Overcoming self-doubt is a challenge for all beings in a constant state of change, hence it is the mission of all mankind to conquer self-loathing and lifes limitations to build a brighter future. I wrote 'Words for Wild Women' after years of consistently and royally fucking up. My love for alliteration and sibliance reflect the repetitious patterns of personal growth. Some cycles I've endured, some I've excelled, but ultimately, I evolved. Read More Read Less

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