J G Isebrands

J G IsebrandsJ. G. Isebrands is native of Iowa and is the President and founder of Environmental Forestry Consultants, LLC in New London, Wisconsin. The company specializes in phytoremediation and short rotation forestry projects with poplars and willows. He has ver 40 years experience with research and applications with poplars and willows, first with the USDA Forest Service Research branch and cooperating universities, and now with the private sector. He has been involved with the Short Rotation Woody Crops Operations Working Group (SRWCOWG) since its inception, an active member of the Poplar Council of the United States as well as a member of the Poplar Council of Canada. He is currently on the Executive Committee of the International Poplar Commission of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, having served for 15 years and has over 200 publications on poplar- and willow-related disciplines. Read More Read Less

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Poplars and Willows
Publisher: Cabi
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21 Mar 2014
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Introduction to Uses and Interpretation of Principal Component Analysis in Forest Biology (Classic Reprint)NR
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Introduction to Uses and Interpretation of Principal Component Analysis in Forest Biology (Classic Reprint)NR
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