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J Butler Kyle

J Butler KyleJ. Butler Kyle has thousands and thousands of hours traveling America's roads with her husband as they crisscrossed the US. All the way pouring over maps and reading aloud the local history and flavor of the country they were seeing, researching thins to see and do along the route. They have lived in over one hundred places in the US, including an island in the Gulf of Alaska. Twenty-four years were in some form of an RV. All those locations were aviation related, including aerial firefighting while J. was Crew Chief on a Single Engine Air Tanker (SEAT). J. has written other travel and visitor guides (Prince of Wales Island, Alaska); humorous short stories for Aviation USA and RV Life; expanded the Southeast Alaska portion of The Milepost; and ghost-written three memoirs. Her first self-published book, Tales From the Dockside, is a collection of fun and often embarrassing vignettes of her and her husband's two years living on a boat in the Gulf of Alaska. Northern Nevada is where J. calls home with said husband, their family of kitties, and whatever strays wander in. She loves to garden, capture photographs, and of course travel. J. once helped evacuate a casino of all its cash, but that's another story. You can reach J. at, visit her website at, or find her on Facebook at J. Butler Kyle, Scribe. Read More Read Less

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