Isabel TruebaIsabel Trueba es neurocoach, mentora y conferencista, apasionada por el funcionamiento de la mente y experta en la gestión emocional en la autoexigencia. En su extensa formación destacan, entre otros títulos, ACC Certified Coah por ICF, PNL Master Practitioner, Neurociencia para coaches, eneagrama integral, coaching por valores, además de ser instructora de firewalking y dinámicas de alto impacto. Con una trayectoria de 17 años como directora y socia en una empresa transnacional, en la que supervisó la apertura de sucursales en diversos rincones del mundo, decidió dar un vuelco a su vida: abandonó el mundo empresarial y se convirtió en divulgadora del bienestar emocional.Con miles de seguidores en su perfil de Instagram, y a través de sus palabras y enseñanzas, guía a las personas hacia un mayor bienestar emocional, inspirando cambios duraderos y significativos.
Isabel Trueba is a neurocoach, mentor and lecturer, passionate about the functioning of the mind and an expert in emotional management in self-demand. In her extensive training, the following stand out, among other qualifications, ACC Certified Coach by ICF, NLP Master Practitioner, Neuroscience for coaches, integral enneagram, coaching by values, as well as being an instructor of firewalking and high-impact dynamics. With a career of 17 years as a director and partner in a transnational company, in which she supervised the opening of branches in various corners of the world, she decided to turn her life around: she left the business world and became a disseminator of emotional well-being.With thousands of followers on her Instagram profile, and through her words and teachings, she guides people towards greater emotional well-being, inspiring lasting and meaningful changes. Read More Read Less