Isabel Praça

Isabel PraçaIsabel Praça is Advisor of ISEP Presidency for R&D, Professor at ISEP and Senior Researcher at GECAD. Isabel has a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and a Pos-Doc, awarded by the Portuguese National Science Foundation with a scholarship (SFH/BPD/30111/2006). Isabel is a member of ENISA expert group on AI, and ISEP point of contact at ECSO. She has participated in over 25 national and international R&D projects, with relevant responsibilities. She has published over 150 papers, more than 50 in international journals and books. She has beenworking in the application of AI techniques to real problems since 2001. She participates in the technical and scientific committees of several conferences and is an active member of IEEE. She works in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with special interest in machine learning, multi-agent systems, optimization, knowledge based systems, collaborative decision support, context aware methodologies, and modeling and simulation. Main areas of application are cyber-security; industry 4.0; multi-agent systems and forecasting in power systems. Isabel is part of the editorial board of MDPI journals. Relevant responsibilities in related international projects: scientific coordinator, work package and task leader, as well as ISEP coordinator, for SeCoIIA - Secure Collaborative Intelligent Industrial Assets, H2020 nr 871967), where she's also Impact Coordinator; for SAFECARE - SAFEguardof Critical health infrastructure (Integrated cyber-physical security for health services) H2020 project Grant No. 787002; Technical coordinator, country coordinator and work package leader of international CyberFactory#1 - Addressing Opportunities and Challenges of FoF, ITEA project No. 17032; ISEP coordinator for SATIE - Security of Air Transport Infrastructures of Europe project (H2020-SU-INFRA-2018-2019-2020 No. 832969). Read More Read Less

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Cyber-Physical Threat Intelligence for Critical Infrastructures Security5 % NR
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Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions I, 21st International Conference3 % NR
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