Irving Yitzchak Greenberg

Irving Yitzchak GreenbergRabbi Irving (Yitz) Greenberg is a leading Jewish thinker, and has written exxtensively on Jewish tradition in post-modenity, Jewish theology after the Holocaust and the rebirth of Israel, the new encounter between Judaism and Christianity, the ethic of Jewish power, and issues of religious and cultural pluralism. He has seerved in the Orthodox rabbinate, academia (history and Jewish studies), and Jewish communal life (President Emeritus of the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership; Founding President of the Steinhardt Foundation), and is the author of numerous books including The Jewish Way: Living the Holidays and For the Sake of Heaven and Earth: The New Encounter Betwen Judaism and Christianity. He received his MA and PhD in American History from Harvard University. He was Associate Professor of history at Yeshiva University and founder, chairman amd professor in the department of Jewish studies of the City College of the City University of New York. Read More Read Less

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