Ingrid Pedroni

Ingrid PedroniIngrid Pedroni worked in a major trade union in Italy and then as an economic analyst engaged in international forecasts in an Italian state company. In this position, she became vice-president of the Economists' Group, an international association o professional economists. In the 1990s, she started her training as a family psychotherapist and as a child and adolescent analyst at the Institute for Infancy Neuropsychiatry at the Rome University La Sapienza. She is in private practice as a relational and self-psychology analyst and is a member of ISIPSE, an Italian institute specialising in psychoanalytic self psychology and relational psychoanalysis, of the International Association of Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, and of the International Association of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology. In 2005, she became president of ISIPSE, where she is still engaged as a teacher of self psychology and transcultural psychotherapy, and is a supervising analyst in Rome and Milan. She is past president of Vivere Altrove, an association of professionals, psychotherapists, anthropologists, social assistants, and mediators, operating in the field of intercultural interventions that for some years cooperated with the United Nations Organization for Migration. Read More Read Less

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