Ingemar Bengtsson

Ingemar BengtssonIngemar Bengtsson is a professor of physics at Stockholms Universitet. After gaining a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from the Göteborgs universitet (1984), he held post-doctoral positions at CERN, Geneva, and the Imperial College of Science, Technolog and Medicine, University of London. He returned to Göteborg in 1988 as a research assistant at Chalmers tekniska högskola, before taking up a position as Lecturer in Physics at Stockholms Universitet in 1993. He was appointed Professor of Physics in 2000. Professor Bengtsson is a member of the Swedish Physical Society and a former board member of its Divisions for Particle Physics and for Gravitation. His research interests are related to geometry, in the forms of classical general relativity and quantum theory. Read More Read Less

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