Inderjeet Tyagi

Inderjeet TyagiDr. Inderjeet Tyagi is working as a Scientist at ZSI, Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, Kolkata, India. To his expertise, Dr. Tyagi is working in the field of Wastewater treatment, Water Quality, Environmental Metagenomics, and Envirnmental Management for the past several years. To his credit, Dr. Tyagi had published 120+ SCI papers with Citation 8600 and an h-index of 51 with a cumulative impact factor >550. More to this, he is leading Five (5) national and international projects related to wastewater and water quality assessment in heavily polluted areas in India. Further, he is also on the reviewer panel of more than 40 international journals belonging to well-known publishers like Elsevier, Nature, Springer Nature, Taylor Francis, ACS, etc. Recently, he was awarded the "India Prime Education Quality Award 2021" for his outstanding contribution to the field of wastewater treatment and Environmental Management. He is a lifetime member of the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) and a Member of the International Society of Wetland Scientists (International Chapter). He is the Editor of One Elsevier edited book entitled "Sustainable Materials for Sensing and Remediation of Noxious Pollutants" Read More Read Less

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Water, the Environment, and the Sustainable Development Goals14 % NR
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Sustainable Materials for Sensing and Remediation of Noxious Pollutants19 % NR
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