Ilona Karula

Ilona KarulaMy name is Ilona Karula.I am married and a mother of a daughter and a son.I am from a small country called Estonia in the Northern Europe, where there are only 1.3 million people, 69% of whom are not religious or agnostic according to the statistics,instead, they believe in reality which is out of physical bounds.I studied media and marketing at the university. I worked as a journalist for over ten years, which gave me an opportunity to interview all kinds of clairvoyants, mystics and people who do spiritual practices.I proceeded to work in the esoteric field because I had decided to start using my psychic abilities which have been open to me by birth.Since my childhood, I have been supersensitive, with psychic abilities and open perception. During all of my conscious life I have practiced out of the body astral projections and lucid dreaming, through which I have constantly had contact with extraterrestrial life and extraterrestrials. Today, I have had contact with extraterrestrials from more than 20 different species, I have visited their spaceships and been together with them on other planets.I consider it normal to communicate with foreign species because the planet Earth does not belong to people. There are many of us and we need to learn how to live together with extraterrestrials side by side.At present, my main job includes working with all kinds of anomalies and paraphenomena and consulting people on that topic.I have my own esoteric blog which has over 8000 permanent readers. My posts are mainly channelings from the Infinity which rely on personal experience and a large amount of them also come from my clients. I get a lot of information through channelling, clairvoyance or out of the body experiences and lucid dreaming at night.In 2017, I opened my own meditation studio, where there is energy work practiced in the form of meditation.I create and experiment with different practices that rely on mind power and which open the third eye of a person, expand his or her consciousness and are capable of influencing the reality in real time. Many of my clients have experienced their psychic abilities being opened up during these practices and several of them have personally experienced the Mandela effect.My studio is a very popular venue, which is visited by about 150 people a week. I consider it quite a remarkable number in a country where there are 1.3 million inhabitants.My readers are vital people with a critical mind who have questions to all the answers and who don't believe all kinds of esoteric and religious fairytales.I also don't believe anything for no particular reason. Even though I can be a mystic, at the same time I am the biggest skeptic.I believe that there is no absolute truth. The truth is something abstract which everybody can personally experience inside of themselves and it is very personal.Even though I have many followers, I don´t consider myself as a guru or a teacher. I am an ordinary person who shares her personal experiences. I can be called a teacher by only those people who would like to learn something from me.I only share experiences that have really happened to me and others. Read More Read Less

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Vicious Circle of Lies of the Soul15 % NR
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Vicious Circle of Lies of the Soul13 % NR
Publisher: Eluvaim
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01 Nov 2023
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