Igor Borzic

Igor BorzicIgor Borzic is Associate professor at the Department of Archaeology, University of Zadar, Croatia. His main research interests are focused on two big themes: the transition from the Iron Age to the Classical world in the Dalmatian area, and Hellenistc/Roman pottery. Currently he is a member of several excavation teams and a leader of a national scientific project investigating continuity of life on the island of Korcula. Enrico Cirelli is a medieval archaeologist and lecturer at the University of Bologna. His research interests are focused on the transformations of cities and ports in the Mediterranean, the birth of castles in the Medieval Europe and the development of techniques and artisan productions. Kristina Jelincic Vuckovic joined the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb in 2004 and works there as a senior expert assistant-documentalist. Her research interests are Roman pottery, villae rusticae, rural settlements, economy, trade, Dalmatia and Pannonia. Ana Konestra is a Research Associate at the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb. She currently leads several fieldwork projects revolving around landscape archaeology, in particular in insular and coastal areas of the eastern Adriatic and concerning the development of Roman rural sites. Ivana Oanic Roguljic is a Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb. Her interests focus on classical archaeology, especially Roman pottery and ceramics workshops, instrumenti domestici, the history of food, travel stations and communications, experimental archaeology and the popularisation of science. Read More Read Less

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