Idojiri Archaeological MuseumIn the southwest foot of Yatsugatake mountains, many Jomon ruins have been excavated and those tell us the culture and life of those days (about 8,000-2,300 years ago). In the museum are chronologically exhibited more than 2,000 potteries and stone tols that are excavated in Fujimi town area and through which we can learn about the transition and use. In conjunction with them, many other materials such as dwelling houses, foods and personal ornaments are also exhibited, and these are placed to be understood at first glance. In addition, the view on religion or the world view and mythology of that period have been revealed by the studies of those potteries and clay figures, but these theories are also unveiled enthusiastically with those exhibits. Outside of the exhibition hall can be seen some more materials such as a couple of stone monuments, farm fields and a rock garden that contains stone tool materials in the 5,300 square meters site, and these contribute the studies of foods life and farm tools of those period. Also, at the archaeological site of Idojiri, we are able to soak in the Jomon world for while beside a restored dwelling, listening to the sounds of spring water that will never dry up. Next to the Archaeological Museum is situated the Museum of History and Folklore that is collecting folklore materials of this region. 長野県富士見町井戸尻考古館 八ヶ岳西南麓では縄文時代(約12,000~2,000年前)の生活文化を伝える遺跡がこれまで多数発掘されてきました。館内には、富士見町内で発掘調査した資料のうち、2,000点余りの土器や石器が年代順に並べられ、その移り変りや用途を知ることができます。また、住居展示や食物・装身具なども併せて展示し、一見すればわかるように工夫されています。また、土器や土偶など図像の解読で明らかになった当時の宗教観や世界観・神話なども意欲的に解説しています。 館外には、5,300平方メートルの敷地に配石遺構のほか、栽培作物圃場・石器材料岩石園を設け、当時の食生活や農具の究明を行っています。また、史跡井戸尻には復元家屋が建ち、涸れることのない湧水の音に耳を傾けると、しばし縄文の世界に浸ることができます。考古館の隣には、この地域の民俗資料を収集した歴史民俗資料館が併設されています。 Read More Read Less
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