I V Malhan

I V MalhanI.V.Malhan, Head, DLIS and Dean, School of Mathematics, Computers & Information Science, CUHP, Dharmshala (H.P.). He holds M.Lib.Sc. (Gold Medalist) and Ph.D. from the Punjab University, Chandigarh and had a teaching and research experience of more tan thirty years at the Panjab University, Chandigarh and at the University of Jammu. He visited eleven countries published about hundred papers in Indian and foreign journals and conference volumes. He authored and edited eight books that are published in India and abroad. He organized a National Conferences and also organized several short training courses and workshops for library and information professionals. He is recipient of many awards in the field of LIS. He is a life member of several professional associations viz., IATLIS, IAALD, SLA etc. He is a member of UGC National Committee on Electronic Submission of Theses and dissertations. Read More Read Less

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Perspectives on Knowledge Management49 % NR
Publisher: Scarecrow Press
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02 May 2008
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