Hubert Geza Wells

Hubert Geza WellsHubert Geza Wells has trained hundreds of Hollywood actors, but none of them talk about it. The veteran coach doesn't take it too hard--he knows that some movie actors are just animals. And he's never surprised when they try to bite the hand that fees them. Hungarian-born Wells is one of the movie industry's most respected and enduring animal experts. For the past forty-four years, he has made a living through his company Animal Actors of Hollywood by persuading an encyclopedic range of animals to perform for the camera. Wells has trained animals for more than one hundred films, including Out of Africa, Ring of Bright Water, Born Free, Living Free, Sheena, LadyHawke, and The Ghost and the Darkness. After having filmed on all five continents, he now devotes his time to writing about his unique experiences in book and script form. Read More Read Less

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