Howard L Reiter

Howard L ReiterHoward L. Reiter is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Connecticut, where he taught for 35 years. He received his BA from Cornell University and his AM and Ph.D. from Harvard University. He has also taught at the University f Notre Dame, the University of Essex (UK), the University of Tartu (Estonia), and Uppsala University (Sweden). He is the author of Selecting the President (1985) and Parties and Elections in Corporate America (1987, 1993), as well as numerous book chapters and articles in such journals as the American Political Science Review, the British Journal of Political Science, and the Journal of Theoretical Politics, on the subject of political parties and elections. Among his academic honors are a Fulbright Research Fellowship in Western Europe (1987), a Fulbright Distinguished Chair (2001-02) in Uppsala, Sweden, and an Outstanding Academic Book award from Choice magazine (1986-87). He has lectured widely in Europe, Asia and Latin America. In 2010-2011 he will be President of the New England Political Science Association. Read More Read Less

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