Howard J Lipke

Howard J LipkeHoward Lipke, PhD (St. Louis University, 1976) is a clinical psychologist who began working in the mental health field in 1970. Much of that time he has also taught and trained students and fellow professionals. Dr. Lipke has published a book on psycotherapy and trauma (EMDR and Psychotherapy Integration) and on preventing destructive anger (Don't I have the Right to Be Angry?). as well as many scientific and professional papers in the field. Since 2006 he has been co-editor of the column Psychological Trauma and World Literature in the newsletter of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS). After 32 years, Dr. Lipke retired from the Lovell Federal Health Care Center in 2009, where he was, for seven years the director of a PTSD program for combat veterans and for three years the leader of the outpatient PTSD treatment team. Dr. Lipke was on the clinical faculty at the Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science from 1977 until 2018. He still, on occasion, counsels some clients, consults, teaches and writes. In addition to what has been published, other work can be found at HowardLipke.comDr. Lipke has been married to his wife, Lynn, for over 50 years. They have two married children and two grandchildren. The stories in No Applesplatter evolved from ideas that are part of his work as a psychologist, life in general, and his sharing time with his grandchildren and other children in his life. Read More Read Less

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