Howard G Rath

Howard G RathHoward G. Rath was born in 1885. After graduating from Williams College in 1907, he became a successful securities broker in Los Angeles. In 1914, he embarked on a round-the-world ocean voyage that brought him to Europe just as World War I began. Whe the U.S. entered the war in 1917, he joined the American Field Service. However, he immediately joined the U.S. Air Service in Paris as a clerk. Despite being over age at 33, he talked his way into flying as a bombardier. He was assigned to the 96th Aero Squadron, the first U.S. bombing squadron, and was the first American to drop bombs in combat. He flew many missions as bombardier while also acting as Operations Officer. When the 96th joined the 1st Day Bombardment Group, he became the Operations Officer while still flying combat missions. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for valor in combat. In 1925 he testified before Congressional committees on Air Service matters and for the prosecution at the William Billy Mitchell court martial. In WWII he returned to duty as the Assistant Post Operations Officer at the Army Air Force Bombardier School at Deming Army Airfield, New Mexico. He died in 1973. Read More Read Less

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First to Bomb - The World War I Diary of Lt. Howard G. Rath, Bombardier, 96th Aero Squadron31 % NR
Publisher: Hugh T. Harrington
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