Hope Chambers

Hope ChambersI can't remember a time in my life when I was not completely obsessed with dogs! Especially the ones that nobody else wants. Growing up, I had to constantly resist the urge to bring home every stray puppy I saw, and each time, my heart broke a littlemore. When the opportunity finally arose for me to provide one of these lost souls with the perfect home, I drove straight to the shelter.However, nobody ever told me that puppies were so difficult to look after. Especially the ones that had only ever experienced heartbreak. My house was a mess; my life was turned upside down. I barely slept, and I cried on and off for two weeks! I had brought this broken little one into my life with the promise of fixing, protecting, and loving them, only to realize that I had no idea how.I dried my tears and set out to learn the best way to train and heal my new soulmate. Inspired by my favorite behaviorists and dog trainers, I decided to follow in their footsteps and help as many people and pups as possible.For the last 30 years, I have dedicated my time to studying different training techniques-the good, the bad, and the ugly-and I came to learn exactly which ones produced the results I wanted. The end goal is never just a trained dog. The goal is a well-adjusted, healthy, and happy dog.I soon learned that training them was easy, but losing them is hard. When my Gizmo slipped into his senior years, my world was turned upside down. I was so focused on the present that I hadn't put any thought into the future. In those last years, our roles were reversed. He became the trainer, and I, the trainee. The lessons I learned from him have stayed with me forever and prepared me for the inevitable love and loss I would experience again and again.My books are compiled of tried and true techniques, life lessons, and healthy coping mechanisms that have personally helped me to work with and love my dogs. I am confident that I can provide them the best life from puppy to senior that they deserve, and by the time you finish reading this, you will be too.-Hope Chambers Read More Read Less

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