Hiroo Sono

Hiroo SonoHiroo Sono (LLB/LLM Hokkaido, LLM Michigan) is Professor of Law at Hokkaido University, Japan. His main fields of research interest are in contract law and international commercial law. He is one of the founding members of the CISG Advisory Concil (CISG-AC) since 2001 and the Global Private Law Forum (GPLF) of Japan since 2014. From 2006 to 2008, he served as Counsellor, Civil Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Justice where he was responsible for Japan's accession to the CISG. Since 2008 he serves as the Japanese delegate to UNCITRAL Working Group VI (Security Interests) and since 2015 he is a correspondent to UNIDROIT. His recent publications in English include 'Introductory Note (Uniform Law Treaties; Their Reception, Implementation, Success And Failure)' and 'Going Forward with Uniform Private Law Treaties: A Study in Japan's Behavioral Pattern', 60 Japanese Yearbook of International Law (2018); 'Articles 85-88' in UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG): A Commentary 1129 (S. Kröll, L. Mistelis & P.P. Viscasillas eds., C.H. Beck, 2nd ed. 2018); 'Integrating Consumer Law into the Civil Code: A Japanese Attempt at Re-Codification in Codifying Contract Law' in Codifying Contract Law: International and Consumer Law Aspects, 107 (M. Keyes & T. Wilson eds., Ashgate 2014); 'Private Enforcement of Consumer Law: A Sketch of the Japanese Landscape', 16 Hokkaido Journal of New Global Law and Policy 63 (2012); 'The Diversity of Favor Contractus: The Impact of the CISG on Japan's Civil Code and its Reform' in Towards Uniformity, 165 (I. Schwenzer & L. Spagnolo eds., Eleven International Publishing 2011); 'Japan's Accession to and Implementation of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)', 53 Japanese Yearbook of International Law 410 (2010). Read More Read Less

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