Hillary RettigHillary Rettig is author of Productivity is Power: 5 Liberating Practices for College Students, The 7 Secrets of the Prolific, The Lifelong Activist, and other books. She has taught productivity and time-management classes at top writing, business, eucational, arts, and community organizations throughout the United States. Her articles have appeared in Psychology Today, Huffington Post, Fortune, Future Buzz, Time Management Ninja, Tomorrow's Professor, Authors Helping Authors, The Thesis Whisperer, and elsewhere.During a prior career as a technology journalist and consultant, her articles appeared in Wired, Working Woman, Inc. Technology, and elsewhere; she was also interviewed by The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, and other publications. She has also appeared as a guest on CBS-TV News, WBAI, WBUR, and other broadcasts.From 2001 - 2012 she worked as a business coach and microlender at two nonprofit agencies in Boston, roles in which she helped hundreds of people from all backgrounds start and grow businesses in fields including art, technology, personal services, professional services, manufacturing, distribution, and retail. It was in the course of this work that Hillary became acutely aware of the forces that hold so many talented, energetic, ambitious, and visionary people back, and it was this awareness that catalyzed her current mission. Read More Read Less